"WE MADE A MOVIE" is a short film premiering at IndieLisboa on May 25, 2024, at 9:30 PM, as part of the Novíssimos competition. The film tells the story of Maria Inês (Inês Cruz), a pre-adolescent experiencing the first hints of love in her neighborhood, always accompanied by her friends (Joana Embaló, Mariana Rodrigues, Matilde Barata, and Cláudia Maria).
The film is the result of a video workshop held in the Loureiro neighborhood, as part of the Bairros project: Imminent Community Artistic Workshops. The entire narrative was developed collectively, seeking to showcase the beauty of this community - the street as a public space, a boxing club, a soccer field, a theater space, and the informal gathering spots among young people. The result exceeded expectations, thanks to the richness of the location and the dedication of the protagonists. It's a documentary fiction that tells a love story while revealing the process of making a film with many hands.
The short film is directed by Tota Alves, the author and director of two miniseries - "MY BLOOD" (2020) and "DOLORES" (2020) - and the screenwriter of "ERROR 404" (2024), making her cinema debut with "WE MADE A MOVIE". The cinematography is by Victor Neves Ferreira, sound direction by Tiago Galvão, editing by Paula Miranda, produced by Viviana Martins (community development technician) and Andreia Nunes (Wonder Maria Filmes).
Watch the trailer [here]